Friday, October 1, 2010

McCurdy’s Armor

I’ve never heard of McCurdy’s Armor before and it is a private outworker who makes armor that assembles like it was an erector set, a very heavy erector set, I would visualize.
The armor can assemble into a 6.5 foot high pillbox formation in about ten minutes, and it requires no tools for assembly. It is probably the safest place to be in anywhere in the field, as armor is resistant to bullets, grenades, and even IED (Improvised explosive device) blasts.
By the way, McCurdy’s armor is named after a soldier named Ryan McCurdy who died in 2006. This armor has gun ports and steel plate armor. Let’s hope it save the lives of future soldiers.
That’s why, the Marine Corps have ordered 14 of these units, but I don’t think there is any being used out in the field so far. It costs about $800,000 per component, which is pretty expensive, true, but I’m sure tanks cost a lot more. It sure beats sandbagging, or actual, or whatever the forces is using to shield soldiers these days.

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