Tuesday, May 17, 2011

WC-130 Features

The WC-130 is capable of staying aloft nearly 18 hours during missions. It is equipped with two external 1,400 gallon (5,320 liter) fuel tanks, an internal 1,800 gallon (6,480 liter) fuel tank and uprated engines. An average weather reconnaissance mission might last 11 hours and cover almost 3,500 miles while the crew collects and reports weather data every minute.

Weather equipment aboard the aircraft include the Improved Weather Reconnaissance System (IWRS). This system consists of the Atmospheric Distributed Data System (ADDS) and Omega Dropsonde Windfinding System (ODWS).

The ADDS system provides a high-density, high accuracy horizontal atmospheric sensing capability. Sensors installed on the aircraft measure outside temperature, humidity, absolute altitude of the aircraft, pressure altitude, wind speed and direction once per second. This information, along with an evaluation of other meteorological conditions, turbulence, icing, radar returns and visibility, is encoded by the on-board meteorologist and transmitted by satellite to the National Hurricane Center, Miami, Fla..

The ODWS system measures the atmosphere vertically by using an expendable instrument which is dropped from the aircraft. The 16 inch-long cylinder is dropped every 400 miles while on a weather track and in the center or eye of a hurricane. A vertical atmospheric profile of pressure, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction is received from the dropsonde as it descends to the ocean surface. The dropsonde is slowed and stabilized by a small parachute. From this information, the dropsonde system operator analyzes and encodes data for satellite transmission to the National Hurricane Center.

The WC-130 is flown exclusively from Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., by Air Force Reserve organizations known as the Hurricane Hunters. The hurricane reconnaissance area includes the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and central Pacific Ocean areas.

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