Friday, July 23, 2010

CH-47 Chinook Helicopter

The CH-47 Chinook is a convey helicopter that facilitate serious airlifting. It is able of enchanting on several missions. The Primary purpose for this helicopter is to transmit weaponry, troop, bullets and other supply materials in the military activities. It is also able to improve aircraft and conduct investigates and saving life mission.

The future CH-47F will have an enhanced airframe, figure of structural enhancement, better avionics and the communication systems, highly developed flight control system.
Chinook is powered by two engines, delivering power to two contra-rotating rotors. Such agreement made a vertical tail rotor preventable. This helicopter has a top speed of 315 km/h.
The Boeing 234 Chinook is a commercial version of the CH-47. The 234 Chinook is used for logging, construction, petrol investigation support, fire fighting and so on.

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