Wednesday, August 4, 2010

SSN774 Virginia-class Submarine

The Virginia class fast attack submarines are 377 foot long, have a sunbeam of 34 feet, and draw 32 feet of water (surfaced.)  Their full load dislocation is 7,800 tons underwater.  Ship's compliment is 134 officers and enlisted.  The Virginia class submarines have a top speed of 25 knots on the surface and a submerged rapidity of more than 32 knots.  The maximum diving depth is in excess of 800 feet.  Because the reactor in the Virginia class submarines is intended to outlive the useful life of the hull, the operational range of these submarines is effectively infinite.

The first class of submarine to be designed and influenced by post-Cold War needs it’s called The Virginia class submarines. With the importance no longer on release ocean SLOC (Sea Lanes of Communication) warfare against the Warsaw Pact, the Virginia, though still capable of traditional "blue water" deep ocean mission, focuses on "littoral" mission, particularly special operations support, intellect gathering, and counter mine operations. Although it carries the same weapons as its Cold War predecessor (the Sea wolf class and Los Angeles class attack submarines) its weapon load out is significantly smaller (roughly half that of the Sea Wolf.) In addition, where the Sea wolf featured eight 660mm "swim out" low transient signature torpedo tubes, the Virginia is armed with only four conventional 533mm tubes. The Virginia's though, are the first class of submarine specifically built to integrate the regular use of ROV sensors.

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