Friday, December 17, 2010


The Mi-28A has small swept-back, mid-mounted stub-wings with four suspension units. Countermeasures pods are mounted on the wingtips. The Mi-28A helicopter is able to equip with a mixture of air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, without guides rockets, and podded guns.

The Mi-28 and Mi-28N Night Havoc are armed with Shturm and Ataka anti-tank missiles supplied by the Kolumna Design Bureau (KBM). Up to 16 anti-tank missiles can be mounted on the Mi-28A helicopter. Shturm is a short-range, radio command-guided missile. The Ataka missile's direction is by narrow radar beam, and greatest range of the missile is 8km. The missile has a tandem shaped-charge warhead for saturation of 950mm to 1,000mm armour.

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