Wednesday, February 16, 2011

M93/M93A1 – NBC (nuclear, biological, and chemical) Reconnaissance

 The M93/M93A1 – NBC (nuclear, biological, and chemical) Reconnaissance Could sense, recognize, and mark areas of nuclear and chemical contamination; sample soil, water and vegetation for nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) contamination; and report accurate information to supported commanders in real time.
The M93A1 is capable of detecting chemical contamination in its immediate environment through point detection and at a distance through the use of the M21 RSCAAL. The Fox system automatically integrates contagion information from sensors with input from on-board navigation and meteorological systems and rapidly transmits via SINCGARS radios its digital NBC warning messages to warn follow-on forces. Two Reconnaissance systems, working as a team, will normally precede the movement of troops and materiel to locate and mark infected areas.

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