Monday, May 23, 2011

E-8C Joint Stars

The E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (Joint STARS) is an airborne battle management and command and control (C2) platform that conducts ground surveillance to develop an understanding of the enemy situation and to support attack operations and targeting that contributes to the delay, disruption and destruction of enemy forces. These functions support the primary mission of Joint STARS which is to provide dedicated support of ground commander’s requirements.
The E-8C is a modified Boeing 707/300 series commercial airframe extensively remanufactured and modified with the radar, communications, operations and control subsystems required to perform its operational mission. The most prominent external feature is the 40-foot (12 meters) long, canoe-shaped random under the forward fuselage that houses the 24-foot (7.3 meters) long, side-looking phase array antenna.
The E-8C can respond quickly and effectively to support worldwide military contingency operations. It is a jam-resistant system capable of operating while experiencing heavy electronic countermeasures. The E-8C can fly a mission profile for more than eight hours without refueling. Its range and on-station time can be increased through in-flight refueling.

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