Monday, February 6, 2012

Russian 73-mm Recoilless Gun SPG-9

Russian 73-mm Recoilless Gun SPG-9 Ammunition Types 73-mm recoilless gun
The SPG-9 is a recoilless, smooth-bore, single-shot antitank weapon that fires both anti armor and antipersonnel ammunition. Several generations of night vision equipment are available for the SPG-9. It is man portable, but a truck or APC normally carries it. It must be dismounted and placed on its tripod for firing.
Crew: 3
Caliber (mm): 73
Weight (kg):
Firing Position: 47.5
Travel Position: 47.5
Tripod: 12
Length (travel) (m): 2.11
Width (travel) (m): .99
Height (travel) (m): .80
Rifling: None
Breech Mechanism Type: Interrupted screw
Feed: Breech load
Traverse (°): 30 total
Elevation (°): -3 to +7
Rate of Fire (rd/min): 6
Emplacement/displacement time (min): 1
Fire From Inside Building: No

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