Saturday, February 18, 2012

Russian Infantry Rocket Flame Weapon RPO-A Series (RPO-A/Z/D)

Russian Infantry Rocket Flame Weapon RPO-A Series (RPO-A/Z/D) Ammunition Types Rocket
-RPO-A: Thermobaricflammablemixture
-RPO-Z: Incendiary
-RPO-D: Smoke
        Designed as a follow-on to the RPO, the RPO-A, -Z, and -D are one-shot, disposable, shoulder-fired, combat tested (Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Chechnya), flame weapons. They are reliable and can be ready to fire within 30 seconds. Any soldier, infantryman, or paratrooper can use this close combat weapon with minimal instruction. 
    The RPO-A comprises three basic components: container, ejection motor, and case which is filled, depending on its purpose, with thermobaric (enhanced blast explosive), smoke or incendiary rockets. At any range the blast effects of the thermobaric munitions are much more serious than the thermal effects. The RPO-A is known as the infantryman’s pocket artillery because the demolition effect corresponds to the 122-mm HE artillery, and 120-mm mortar projectile. 
     The RPO series of flame weapons also serves as an extremely effective counter-sniper weapon. The armor- and mechanized -based OPFOR usually issues one RPO-A per BMP (mechanized infantry squad). They are also found in the Flamethrower Bn (Encapsulated) at Corps or Army level. One squad per infantry platoon has a RPO-A in the infantry-based OPFOR.
      The RPO-A series of flame weapons are issued more along the lines of ammunition rather than a weapon, therefore the BOI may vary.
Crew: 1
Caliber (mm): 93
Number of Weapons in a Package: 2
Weight of Package (kg): 12
Total weapon (1) weight (kg): 11
Length (mm): 920
Rate of Fire (rockets/min): 2
Reaction Time-Travel to Fire (sec): 30
Fire From Inside Building: Yes. It can be fired in enclosures of 60 m3 or greater or with a barrier behind the weapon.

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