Monday, February 6, 2012

German 60-mm Antitank Grenade Launcher Panzerfaust-3

German 60-mm Antitank Grenade Launcher Panzerfaust-3 Ammunition Types 60-mm grenade
The Panzerfaust 3 is a compact, lightweight, shoulder-fired, unguided antitank weapon. It consists of a disposable cartridge with a 110-mm warhead and reusable firing and sighting device. The Panzerfaust can be adapted to serve as an off-route mine.
Crew: 1
Caliber (mm):
Launch Tube: 60
Warhead: 110
Weight (kg): 12
Length (mm):
Firing Position: 1,200
Travel Position: 1,200
Rifling: None
Breech Mechanism Type: N/A
Rate of Fire (rd/min): 5
Fire From Inside Building: Yes

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