Monday, February 6, 2012

Russian 40-mm Antitank Grenade Launcher RPG-7V

Russian 40-mm Antitank Grenade Launcher RPG-7V Ammunition Types 40-mm grenade
The RPG-7V is a recoilless, shoulder-fired, muzzle-loaded, reloadable, antitank grenade launcher. It fires a variety of rocket-assisted grenades from a 40-mm smoothbore launcher tube. It is the standard squad antitank weapon in use by the OPFOR. The RPG-7V is light enough to be carried and fired by one person. However, an assistant grenadier normally deploys to the left of the gunner to protect him from small arms fire. The RPG-7V requires a well-trained gunner to estimate ranges and lead distances for moving targets. Crosswinds as low as 7 miles per hour can complicate the gunner's estimate and reduce first-round hit probability to 50% at ranges beyond 180 meters.
Crew: 2
Caliber (launcher ) (mm): 40
Weight (kg):
Empty: 7.9
Loaded: Varies with grenade
Length (mm): 950
Rate of Fire (rd/min): 6
Fire From Inside Building: No

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