Monday, February 6, 2012

Swedish 84-mm Recoilless Rifle Carl Gustaf M2

Swedish 84-mm Recoilless Rifle Carl Gustaf M2 Ammunition Types 84-mm round
-HEAT (tandem)
The 84-mm Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle is a one-man portable, direct-fire, single-shot, breech loading weapon. Several versions of the Carl Gustaf are produced outside Sweden; however, the ammunition is interchangeable among the variants. While the weapon can be operated by one person it is better to have two - one to fire the gun, and the other to carry and load the ammunition. In addition to its antitank role, the weapon can be used as part of an illumination plan, to provide smoke, or for bunker busting.
Crew: 1 or 2 (see NOTES)
Caliber (mm): 84
Weight (kg):
Mount: .8
M2: 14.2
M3: 8.5
Length (mm): 1,065
Rifling: 24 lands/progressive twist
Breech Mechanism Type: Hinged
Rate of Fire (rd/min): 6
Fire From Inside Building: INA

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